Leek and District branch:
Wards: Horton, Dane, Leek West, Leek North, Leek East, Leek South, Manifold, Hamps Valley, Ipstones, Bagnall & Stanley, Brown Edge & Endon.
Branch Officers:
Chair: Paul Powner
01538 373495 paulpowner@gmail.com
Vice Chair 1: Sue Webster
01538 381061 suewebster5760@live.co.uk
Vice Chair 2: Bill Cawley
07972 749312 williamcawley55@btinternet.com
Secretary: Lyn Swindlehurst
Treasurer: Maureen Wiskin
01538 385799 mowiskin@uwclub.net
Membership Secretary: Lytton Page
Political Education Officer: Derek Tatton
01538 528178 derektatton@btinternet.com
Leek and District branch meets every 1st Thursday, at 7.30 pm in the Watson Centre (former Red Cross Room), adjacent to Norton House, on Southbank Street, Leek, ST13 5LS.
(During Covid-19, situation, by Zoom).
Minutes of meetings
Members can read minutes, here.