Labour’s Manifesto 2019 policies can be found on their National website – Manifesto: It’s time for Real Change

Download our 2019 manifesto

A Green Industrial Revolution

  • Economy and Energy
    This election is about the crisis of living standards and the climate and environmental emergency. Whether we are ready or not, we stand on the brink of unstoppable change.
  • Transport
    Labour will build a sustainable, affordable, accessible and integrated transport system, founded on the principle that transport is an essential public service.
  • Environment
    A Labour government’s Green Industrial Revolution is complemented by our Plan for Nature. Our commitments to ecosystem repair and environmental protections work hand in hand with sustainable jobs and industries, and social justice.
  • Animal Welfare
    The Conservatives will sacrifice animal welfare standards in trade deals with other countries. They threaten to bring back fox hunting and are pursuing the ineffective badger cull – the largest destruction of a protected species in living memory.

Rebuild our Public Services

  • Funding
    Universal public services, collectively provided through general taxation and free at the point of use for all, are how we guarantee the right to a good life.
  • NHS and Social Care
    The National Health Service is one of Labour’s proudest achievements. The right to free-at-the-point-of-use healthcare, universal and comprehensive in scope, is socialism in action.
  • National Education Service
    Education makes our economy stronger, our society richer and our people more fulfilled. Whether it is businesses finding people with the right skills, a tech start-up making our economy more dynamic or more people in better paid work and able to contribute to public services, we all benefit from an educated society.
  • Police and Security
    The primary duty of government is to keep people safe. Our communities were endangered when the Conservatives took 21,000 police officers off our streets.
  • Justice
    Smarter justice requires cross-government action to reduce the impact of adverse childhood experiences and to break the vicious cycle of poverty, inequality and crime.
  • Communities and Local Government
    Labour will reverse the Tory decade of austerity for local government and aim to restore council spending powers to 2010 levels over the lifetime of the Parliament.
  • Fire and Rescue
    The Conservatives have cut 11,500 firefighter jobs and closed dozens of fire stations. Response times have got slower and lives have been put at risk.
  • Digital, Culture, Media and Sport
    Digital and technological advancements bring challenges, but also huge opportunities. In the age of AI and automation, digital connectivity will underpin our future economy. We will need world-class digital infrastructure in which everyone can share. Labour will deliver free full-fibre broadband to all by 2030.

Tackle Poverty and Inequality

  • Work
    Work should provide a decent life for all, guaranteeing not just dignity and respect in the workplace, but also the income and leisure time to allow for a fulfilling life outside it.
  • Women and Equalities
    Labour is the party of equality, committed to achieving a world free from all forms of bigotry and discrimination.
  • Migration
    A Labour government will establish a humane immigration system and end the ‘hostile environment’ that caused the Windrush scandal of British citizens being deported. Instead, our system will be built on human rights and aimed at meeting the skills and labour shortages that exist in our economy and public services.
  • Social Security
    While Labour wants a society in which people care for one another, the Tories are trying to pitch us against each other.
  • Housing
    Everyone has the right to a decent, secure home. In 1945, Labour promised to ‘proceed with a housing programme with the maximum practical speed until every family in this island has a good standard of accommodation’. In 2019, we renew that pledge.
  • Constitutional Issues
    For many people, politics doesn’t work. The Westminster bubble is a world away from their daily lives. The Labour Party was founded to give working-class people a voice in politics.

The Final Say on Brexit

A New Internationalism

  • A New Internationalism
    Labour will put human rights, international law and tackling climate change at the heart of our international policies, and use our global influence to end the ‘bomb first, talk later’ approach to security. Labour will always do what is needed to protect the security of people in the UK.
  • Effective Diplomacy
    Internationalism is at the core of the Labour movement. We recognise our responsibility to confront injustices we see today and to correct the injustices of the past.
  • Defence and Security
    The primary duty of government is to guarantee the security of people in the UK. Labour’s defence policy will be strategic and evidence-led.
  • International Solidarity
    The scale of the challenges facing our world are enormous. Conflict, climate change and a global economy rigged in favour of a tiny elite are driving instability and inequality across the world. A bold international development policy driven by social justice has never been more needed.