R4 Any Questions teamJonathan Dimbleby presented a political debate from Westwood College in Leek  on Friday evening, with a panel including the former cabinet minister Lord Blunkett, UKIP interim leader Nigel Farage MEP, the author Eimear McBride and the Chairman of the Conservative Party Sir Patrick McLoughlin MP.


Listen now:

The questions:

Martin Sidley: 10 days into president-elect Trump’s transition, have panel members recognised any positives?

11 min. Richard May: Brexit is a complex pack of cards: should we show our hand?

25 min. Shona Mountford: What can be done to make sure working-class children are given the same opportunities as middle-class and upper-class children, to further their education?

39 min. N Caswell: Do the panellists believe that it is correct that the public is paying for the Buckingham Palace renovations?

44 min. Steven Knight: Which current influential person, or persons, would you like to talk to in a lift, and what would you say to them?


Any Questions – report
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